B2B2C is very proud to support local young athletes in their development. This is an important part of our community involvement focused on health through sports.
It is with great pleasure that we help professional triathlete Simon Bernier Lalonde from Rosemère, Quebec. During his most recent visit to our offices, after his first race of the year, Simon agreed to answer a couple of questions. We were curious to understand more about his relationship with the community. He was very generous with us and here are some of his answers that contain many life lessons.
Tell us about your journey; how did you discover triathlon?
“ First of all, I have always been passionate about sports. I started playing hockey when I was young and did cross-country runs during elementary and high school. By the third year of high school, I started cycling with a friend for fun. Later, other friends offered me to participate in triathlons, so I started taking swimming lessons. It was connections like these with people in my community that led me to do triathlons. Over time, this helped me to meet the team that supports me now. Everything follows from these relationships. ”
Simon, who around you supported you in your development?
“ For sure my coach brought me a lot in when I started before becoming a professional athlete. He has been preparing my complete training plans for several years. Together, we set short, medium and long term goals to determine what I really want for my future, it is because of him that I am on the right track. ”
“ My family was also very present in my development towards the a pro career. Members of my entourage have always supported me in my passion. For the last three years, my rapid progression has shown my parents and friends that I was serious and that I wanted to be one of the world’s best in my age group. They are proud of my sucess. I’m lucky, they support me 100%. ”
How did you meet your team?
“ When I started swimming, I met people who recommended that I go visit a local training studio that offered me the opportunity to use its facilities for free training in exchange for cleaning the studio. It was my current coach who welcomed me there and who explained to me how it works. Shortly after, he became my coach. I have been able to count on him for almost 6 years now. ”
“ My strong relationship with my coach gave me the opportunity to also meet a nutritionist, a massage therapist and a personal trainer for my muscle-building programs. All my entourage is connected, they make me I feel really integrated in the community. This helps me a lot in my development, because all these people know each other and can communicate in case of problems. Everyone is aware of what is happening. We work as a team, which is very positive for pursuing my long-term goals. ”
Now that you have become a professional, have you found a community in the world of triathlons?
“ It is not a very followed sport. You really have to be passionate to watch a triathlon as intensively as a hockey game. It is certain that the community that supports triathlon athletes is more present during major international competitions. ”
“ We are usually only 35 to 50 professional athletes on the starting line, but there are often between 4 and 6,000 amateur triathletes right after us. With their families and the audience there, it is in those moments that I feel most part of a community. Although it is a lonely sport, it is stimulating and motivating to meet people who share the same passion.”
Next meeting
Simon’s next race will take place on May 4th in St.George, Utah. He will also be present this summer at Mont Tremblant for the IRONMAN 70.3 on June 23rd. The entire B2B2C team is proud of Simon’s career and wishes him all the best for the next few years. To learn more about Simon and his upcoming races, we invite you to visit his Facebook page: Simon Bernier Lalonde Triathlete.
B2B2C initiatives: supporting amateur sports
For several years, B2B2C has been actively involved in various amateur sports because we believe that sport is a strong lever for the development of healthy communities.