Author Archives: Julie Caron-Champagne

The government is asking Canadians to be patient…again

The Canadian government has decided not to overturn the CRTC’s May 2021 decision, which will not result in lower wholesale Internet rates for independent Internet providers. Instead, the government has proposed new policies to the CRTC that they believe will improve competition and affordability. We agree with University of Ottawa law professor Michael Geist’s comments […]

Where to install my router for a better Internet connection?

Have you ever experienced problems with your Wi-Fi? It can be very unpleasant to lose your Internet connection while watching a TV show, while playing online with your friends or during a video call with your colleagues. The location of the router is key to getting the best possible Internet signal in your home. Here […]

What streaming services have Christmas movies in Quebec?

What better way to relax during the holiday season than to watch Christmas movies! Whether it’s Christmas comedies, romantic movies or family movies, we’ve selected a few streaming platforms and compiled several Christmas movies that are available in Quebec to get you in the holiday mood. Netflix Netflix offers a very large catalog of movies, […]

Netflix alternatives in Quebec: Which services to choose?

What streaming services are available in Quebec? What are their offers? How much do these subscriptions cost?  We’ve done the research for you. The popularity of streaming platforms has been confirmed in Quebec homes for several years now. People are increasingly cancelling their cable subscriptions to watch TV exclusively online.  Netflix is the most popular […]

How do we limit the Internet content that our kids can see during online schooling?

It’s back-to-school time, but you’re worried about the content your kids can see while taking online classes or while you work from home? Several options exist to limit Internet content. For example, changing the settings on browsers such as Chrome or Safari to limit search results, creating restricted user accounts for your kids on their […]

Thank you for responding to our call to defend affordable Internet access

Last week, we called on you to ask the government to reverse the CRTC (Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission) decision to lower the average price of Internet access for all Canadians. We want to thank you for your strong response to our call. We got a great response from you: 25% of you, our customers, […]

Canadians at risk of losing affordable Internet Access

B2B2C was shocked by the decision of the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) to overturn its own 2019 decision on wholesale Internet prices.  In 2019, the CRTC made a landmark ruling that independent internet providers had been overcharged by Big Telecom, and should be paying dramatically lower rates.   But last month, in a surprise […]

What is the recommended Internet speed for my video conferencing meetings?

Vitesse Internet recommandée pour les vidéoconférences |Recommended Internet speed for video conferencing

Telecommuting has become a common practice since the pandemic, and video conferencing tools have become essential to help us organize remote meetings and maintain conversations with our colleagues. How much Internet speed is required for all this video? Follow along with us. We’ll explain how much bandwidth you need for your video calls. There are several factors that influence […]